STOP DRAWING START CODING : Automating Architecture Diagrams with mingrammer/diagrams

Ever spent hours perfecting an architecture diagram, only to have one tiny system update throw everything off? Sounds frustrating, right? What if you could generate professional, scalable, and dynamic system diagrams, just by writing a few lines of Python code?

Welcome to mingrammer/diagrams—a powerful Python library that lets you create cloud, DevOps, and infrastructure diagrams effortlessly!

With Diagrams, you can now turn your code into accurate, stunning and professional system diagrams within seconds. In this blog, we’ll explore the following areas:


Python: This versatile programming language will serve as our trusty companion throughout the process. Ensure to install python version 3.7 or above.


In early 2020, python library Diagrams was created by a Korean developer MinJae Kwon. This Python-based library allows developers to generate professional system diagrams with just few lines of code. With Diagrams, you can create AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, On-Prem, and SaaS infrastructure diagrams programmatically, making it an excellent tool for DevOps engineers, cloud architects, and system designers.

What is Diagrams?

Diagrams is an open-source Python library that allows you to generate architecture diagrams programmatically. Instead of dragging and dropping elements in a diagramming tool, you can write simple Python code to create cloud architecture, microservices, and DevOps pipeline diagrams.

What is “Diagrams as Code”?

The concept of “Diagrams as Code” refers to automating the process of diagram generation using code instead of manually designing visuals. Just like Infrastructure as Code (IaC) automates cloud provisioning, Diagrams as Code makes system documentation easier, scalable, and version-controlled.

Aspect Manual Approach Diagrams as Code Approach
Creation Method Manually design diagrams using Visio, Lucidchart, Write Python scripts to generate diagrams programmatically
Maintenance Difficult to update and maintain when system changes Easily editable and reusable—update with code changes
Accuracy Prone to human errors and inconsistencies Ensures precision and consistency
Collaboration Hard to track changes in team projects Version-controlled with GitHub/GitLab
Automation No automation—manual updates required Real-time updates with automated documentation

Now let’s see how to install and setup Diagrams in Python

Before installing Diagrams you need to install:

Graphviz (Graph Visualization Software) is an open-source tool used for generating diagrams and graphs from text-based descriptions. It is widely used for network diagrams, architecture visualization, dependency graphs, and flowcharts.

Why is Graphviz Important?

 Required by Diagrams (mingrammer/diagrams) for rendering visuals.

 Automatic layout generation (arranges nodes and edges efficiently).

 Supports multiple formats (PNG, SVG, PDF, etc).

 Integrates with Python, C, Java, etc.

To Install Graphviz:

  1. Download and install Graphviz.

  2. Add Graphviz to the system PATH variable. o Open System Properties . o Go to the Advanced tab then Click on the Environment Variables. o Under System Variables, find Path, click Edit. o Add the Graphviz bin directory path, which is usually: C: Files Then Click OK and restart your terminal.

  3. Check that the Graphviz is installed by running the following code:

pip install Graphviz
Requirement already satisfied: Graphviz in c:\users\priya\appdata\local\programs\python\python310\lib\site-packages (0.20.3)
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
dot -V

If Graphviz is installed correctly, you must see the output as follows:

dot - Graphviz version 2.49.3 (2025-02-22)

To install Graphviz by using homebrew run the code:

brew install Graphviz

To check that the Graphviz is installed, run the code:

dot –V

If the output is as follows, then you have istalled Graphviz successfully!

dot - Graphviz version 2.49.3

To install the Graphviz using package manager run the following code:

Code: sudo apt install Graphviz # Debian/Ubuntu
sudo yum install Graphviz # CentOS/RHEL
sudo pacman -S Graphviz # Arch Linux

To check if Graphviz is installed, run the code:

dot –V

Now, you have successfully installed Graphviz! Let’s move on to install Diagram library using pip command.

Run the following code on the terminal:

pip install diagrams
Collecting diagrams
  Using cached diagrams-0.24.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (6.9 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: graphviz<0.21.0,>=0.13.2 in c:\users\priya\appdata\local\programs\python\python310\lib\site-packages (from diagrams) (0.20.3)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2<4.0,>=2.10 in c:\users\priya\appdata\roaming\python\python310\site-packages (from diagrams) (3.1.5)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in c:\users\priya\appdata\roaming\python\python310\site-packages (from jinja2<4.0,>=2.10->diagrams) (3.0.2)
Using cached diagrams-0.24.1-py3-none-any.whl (25.1 MB)
Installing collected packages: diagrams
Successfully installed diagrams-0.24.1
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.

To upgrade to the latest version of this library run the code:

pip install --upgrade diagrams
Requirement already satisfied: diagrams in c:\users\priya\appdata\local\programs\python\python310\lib\site-packages (0.24.1)
Requirement already satisfied: graphviz<0.21.0,>=0.13.2 in c:\users\priya\appdata\local\programs\python\python310\lib\site-packages (from diagrams) (0.20.3)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2<4.0,>=2.10 in c:\users\priya\appdata\roaming\python\python310\site-packages (from diagrams) (3.1.5)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in c:\users\priya\appdata\roaming\python\python310\site-packages (from jinja2<4.0,>=2.10->diagrams) (3.0.2)
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.

To check if Diagrams is installed correctly, run the following code:

from diagrams import Diagram  
from import EC2  

with Diagram("Simple Diagram"):  
    EC2("my server")

Here Simple Diagram is the name of the diagram.


If Diagrams is installed successfully then this will generate an image file with single EC2 node drawn as simple_diagram.png in your working directory and open that created image file immediately.

Core Features

The diagrams library consists of four basic things:

1. Diagram: This acts as the main container that holds all the elements of your architecture visualization. Think of it as a blueprint where you define configurations for your diagram. However, in most cases, all you need to do is provide a name for your diagram. You can create a diagram context with the Diagram class. The first parameter of the Diagram constructor will be used to generate the output filename.

2. Nodes: Once we define the Diagram context, the next step is to add Nodes, which are the fundamental elements that represent different services and components in your architecture. A Node can be any resource in the system such as:

Each Node belongs to a specific package within the Diagrams library. You can import them as needed. All these nodes can be assigned to variables as well.

Let’s understand how to use Nodes?

Nodes are imported from different provider categories, such as, diagrams.onprem.database, etc. A node object consists of three parts: provider, resource type and name. Here is a simple example:

from diagrams import Diagram
from import EC2

with Diagram("Simple Diagram"):


In this example, EC2 is a node of resource type compute which is provided by the aws provider. Other node objects can also used in similar manner.

from diagrams import Diagram
from import S3
from diagrams.onprem.compute import Server
from import Redshift

with Diagram("My Design Diagram") :
    DataService = Server("Data Service")

    S3Storage = S3("S3 Bucket")

    MasterDB = Redshift("Redshift DW")

This code snippet will generate this:


Other node objects can also used in similar manner.

# aws resources
from import ECS, Lambda
from import RDS, ElastiCache
from import ELB, Route53, VPC

# azure resources
from import FunctionApps
from import BlobStorage

# alibaba cloud resources
from diagrams.alibabacloud.compute import ECS
from import ObjectTableStore

# gcp resources
from diagrams.gcp.compute import AppEngine, GKE
from import AutoML

# k8s resources
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Pod, StatefulSet
from import Service
from import PV, PVC, StorageClass

# oracle resources
from diagrams.oci.compute import VirtualMachine, Container
from import Firewall
from import FileStorage, StorageGateway


Data flow can be represented by connecting the nodes with the operators >>, <<, and -.

>> connects nodes in left to right direction.

<< connects nodes in right to left direction.

- connects nodes in no direction. Undirected.

from diagrams import Diagram
from import EC2
from import RDS
from import ELB
from import S3

with Diagram("Web Services", show=False):
    ELB("lb") >> EC2("web") >> RDS("userdb") >> S3("store")
    ELB("lb") >> EC2("web") >> RDS("userdb") << EC2("stat")
    (ELB("lb") >> EC2("web")) - EC2("web") >> RDS("userdb")


Note: Be careful when using ‘-’ and any shift operators together. It can cause unexpected results due to Python’s operator precedence, so you might have to use parentheses.

The Data Flow direction can be changed with the direction parameter. The default is LR.

Allowed values are: TB, BT, LR, and RL

from diagrams import Diagram
from import EC2
from import RDS
from import ELB

with Diagram("Workers", show=False, direction="TB"):
    lb = ELB("lb")
    db = RDS("events")
    lb >> EC2("worker1") >> db
    lb >> EC2("worker2") >> db
    lb >> EC2("worker3") >> db
    lb >> EC2("worker4") >> db
    lb >> EC2("worker5") >> db


****Group Data Flow****

To avoid too many reduntant flows, you can group nodes into a list so that all nodes are connected to other nodes at once:

from diagrams import Diagram
from import EC2
from import RDS
from import ELB

with Diagram("Grouped Workers", show=False, direction="TB"):
    ELB("lb") >> [EC2("worker1"),
                  EC2("worker5")] >> RDS("events")


Note: You can’t connect two lists directly because shift/arithmetic operations between lists are not allowed in Python.

3. Cluster: A cluster is nothing but a set of nodes that we want together. A cluster is defined using the cluster context and any node defined under that context is grouped together. You can also give it a name to define your cluster group. You can also nest clusters under clusters.

from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from import ECS
from import RDS
from import Route53

with Diagram("Simple Web Service with DB Cluster", show=False):
    dns = Route53("dns")
    web = ECS("service")

    with Cluster("DB Cluster"):
        db_primary = RDS("primary")
        db_primary - [RDS("replica1"),

    dns >> web >> db_primary


****Nested Cluster:****

from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from import ECS, EKS, Lambda
from import Redshift
from import SQS
from import S3

with Diagram("Event Processing", show=False):
    source = EKS("k8s source")

    with Cluster("Event Flows"):
        with Cluster("Event Workers"):
            workers = [ECS("worker1"),

        queue = SQS("event queue")

        with Cluster("Processing"):
            handlers = [Lambda("proc1"),

    store = S3("events store")
    dw = Redshift("analytics")

    source >> workers >> queue >> handlers
    handlers >> store
    handlers >> dw


4. Edge: Edge is an object representing a connection between nodes with some additional properties.You can set the colour, label, and style of your edge that connects your nodes. An edge object contains three attributes: label, color, and style. They mirror the corresponding Graphviz edge attributes.

from diagrams import Diagram, Edge
from import S3
from diagrams.onprem.compute import Server
from import Redshift

with Diagram("My Design Diagram") :
    DataService = Server("Data Service")

    S3Storage = S3("S3 Bucket")

    MasterDB = Redshift("Redshift DW")
    DataService >> Edge(label="Sending data to S3") >> S3Storage 
    S3Storage >> Edge(label="Copying data to Redshift") >> MasterDB

from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram, Edge
from import Spark
from diagrams.onprem.compute import Server
from diagrams.onprem.database import PostgreSQL
from diagrams.onprem.inmemory import Redis
from diagrams.onprem.aggregator import Fluentd
from diagrams.onprem.monitoring import Grafana, Prometheus
from import Nginx
from diagrams.onprem.queue import Kafka

with Diagram(name="Advanced Web Service with On-Premises (colored)", show=False):
    ingress = Nginx("ingress")

    metrics = Prometheus("metric")
    metrics << Edge(color="firebrick", style="dashed") << Grafana("monitoring")

    with Cluster("Service Cluster"):
        grpcsvc = [

    with Cluster("Sessions HA"):
        primary = Redis("session")
        primary \
            - Edge(color="brown", style="dashed") \
            - Redis("replica") \
            << Edge(label="collect") \
            << metrics
        grpcsvc >> Edge(color="brown") >> primary

    with Cluster("Database HA"):
        primary = PostgreSQL("users")
        primary \
            - Edge(color="brown", style="dotted") \
            - PostgreSQL("replica") \
            << Edge(label="collect") \
            << metrics
        grpcsvc >> Edge(color="black") >> primary

    aggregator = Fluentd("logging")
    aggregator \
        >> Edge(label="parse") \
        >> Kafka("stream") \
        >> Edge(color="black", style="bold") \
        >> Spark("analytics")

    ingress \
        >> Edge(color="darkgreen") \
        << grpcsvc \
        >> Edge(color="darkorange") \
        >> aggregator


Now, let’s move forward to understand the relationships between Nodes.

Directed Relationship: This means a node is pointing towards the next one. Without using edge, you can just use the “>>” operator for this and an arrow will be created between your nodes.

Synergic Relationship: This is to define nodes that work together as a single unit. You can define this by using the “-” operator between nodes.

from diagrams import Diagram, Edge, Cluster
from import S3
from diagrams.onprem.compute import Server
from import Redshift
from import LambdaFunction as Lambda

with Diagram("My Design Diagram") :
    DataService = Server("Data Service")

    with Cluster('S3 Buckets') :
        S3Storage = [S3(f"S3 Bucket_{n}") for n in range(1,4)]

    with Cluster('Lambda Process'):
        Lambdas = [Lambda(f"LambdaFunction_{n}") for n in range(1,4)]

        for n in range(0,2):
            Lambdas[n] - Lambdas[n+1]

    MasterDB = Redshift("Redshift DW")

    DataService >> Edge(label="Sending data to S3") >> S3Storage
    S3Storage >> Edge(label="Copying data to Redshift") >> MasterDB
    MasterDB >> Lambdas


Here we have defined the relationship between the lambda function using the ‘-’ operator and so they are now in synergic relationshi and work together inside the cluster. It can be seen from here that how the Redshift DW directed to the Lambda functions without any text defining a directed relationship by just using the ‘>>’ operator without any Edge.

Advanced Features & Customizations

Now that you’ve covered the basics (Diagram, Nodes, Edges, Clusters, and Relationships), let’s introduce more customization options. One of the standout features of the Diagrams library is its simple and intuitive Python syntax.Diagrams allows users to define infrastructure, system architecture, and cloud diagrams using concise Python code. These are the key features of the Diagram library:

1. Customizing Node Styles: Diagrams allow you to customize node styles, including color, shape, and icons, to enhance clarity and visual appeal.

from diagrams import Diagram
from import EC2
from import RDS
from import ELB

with Diagram("Custom Styled Nodes", show=True, direction="TB"):
    lb = ELB("Load Balancer")  # Default AWS icon
    web = EC2("Web Server")  # EC2 icon
    db = RDS("Database")  # Database icon

    lb - [web] - db  # Defining connections


2. Using Subgraphs for Better Organization: Subgraphs (Clusters) help group related components in a diagram, making it easier to understand complex systems.

from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster
from import EC2
from import RDS
from import ELB

with Diagram("Grouped Architecture", show=True, direction="TB"):
    lb = ELB("Load Balancer")

    with Cluster("Application Servers"):
        web1 = EC2("Web Server 1")
        web2 = EC2("Web Server 2")

    db = RDS("Database")

    lb - [web1, web2] - db  # Connecting nodes


3. Arranging Layouts: By default, Diagrams arranges components top to bottom (TB), but you can customize it using direction attributes:

Example : Left-to-Right (LR) Layout

from diagrams import Diagram
from import EC2
from import RDS
from import ELB

with Diagram("Left to Right Layout", direction="LR", show=True):
    lb = ELB("Load Balancer")
    web = EC2("Web Server")
    db = RDS("Database")

    lb >> web >> db  # Flow from left to right


4. Adding Custom Icons and Images: By default, Diagrams uses built-in icons, but you can use custom images for non-supported components.

from diagrams import Diagram
from diagrams.custom import Custom

with Diagram("Custom Icon Example", show=True):
    my_service = Custom("My Service", "./my_icon.png")


5. Defining Complex Relationships (Bidirectional & Conditional Arrows): This helps represent data flow, feedback loops, and interdependencies.

from diagrams import Diagram
from import EC2
from import RDS
from import ELB

with Diagram("Complex Relationships", show=True):
    lb = ELB("Load Balancer")
    web = EC2("Web Server")
    db = RDS("Database")

    lb >> web  # One-way connection
    web >> db  # One-way connection
    db << web  # Bidirectional connection (data flow)


6. Using Different Providers (AWS, GCP, Azure, On-Premises): Diagrams supports multiple cloud providers and on-premises infrastructure.

from diagrams import Diagram
from import EC2
from import AppServices
from diagrams.gcp.compute import GCE
from diagrams.onprem.database import PostgreSQL

with Diagram("Multi-Cloud Setup", show=True):
    aws_vm = EC2("AWS EC2")
    azure_func = AppServices("Azure App Service")
    gcp_vm = GCE("GCP Compute Engine")
    onprem_db = PostgreSQL("On-Prem Database")

    aws_vm >> azure_func >> gcp_vm >> onprem_db


7. Prebuilt Cloud and On-Prem Components : The Diagrams library provides prebuilt cloud and on-prem components that allow users to easily create infrastructure diagrams without designing custom icons or shapes. These components represent various cloud services, networking elements, storage, databases, and security tools from providers like AWS,Azure, Google Cloud, and on-prem architectures.

Category Supported Services
Cloud Providers AWS, Azure, GCP, OpenStack, Alibaba Cloud
DevOps Tools Kubernetes, Terraform, Jenkins, GitHub Actions
Networking Cisco, F5, Juniper routers and firewalls
On-Premise Generic servers, databases, load balancers

8. Exporting and Saving Diagrams: Once you create a diagram using the Diagrams(mingrammer/diagrams) library, you may need to export, save, or share it in different formats. The library automatically generates an image file when the diagram script runs, but you can customize the output file format,location, and visualization options. Example: Save as SVG

from diagrams import Diagram
from import EC2

with Diagram("Custom_Diagram", filename="my_diagram", outformat="svg"):
    EC2("Web Server")  

Summary of Advanced Features

Feature Description & Use Case
Custom Icons Use custom images for branding or non-supported tools.
Relationships Define one-way, bidirectional, and feedback loop connections.
Multi-Cloud Support Connect AWS, Azure, GCP, and on-prem services.
Exporting Diagrams Save diagrams as PNG, SVG, PDF, or JPG.
CI/CD Integration Automate diagram generation in pipelines.

Best Practices & Tips for Creating Diagrams:

Real world Use-Cases

1. Cloud Architecture Visualization - Helps in designing and documenting cloud architectures across platforms like AWS, GCP, Azure, Kubernetes, Alibaba Cloud and Oracle Cloud.

2. Software System Design - Engineers and architects can expertly create flowcharts for software modules, microservices, and APIs.

3. Hybrid Cloud and Multi-Cloud Architecture - Helps architects visualize hybrid cloud (on-prem + cloud) and multi-cloud (AWS + GCP + Azure) environments.

4. Security Architecture Visualization - Useful for compliance and security reviews (ISO, NIST, SOC2). - - Example: Security Architecture for a Web Application. - - Benefits: Helps organizations comply with security policies and audits (ISO, SOC2, NIST).


  1. mingrammer/diagrams GitHub Repository
  1. mingrammer/diagrams Documentation
  1. YouTube – Python Diagrams for DevOps and Cloud Architecture

